Telehealth and hybrid care are incredible advancements in healthcare.
Here are 2 examples from my life:
1. My mom had to have several hospital appointments throughout the pandemic, and we had to go with telehealth whenever possible.
I could easily have these great discussions about what we need to do for her.
Since it did not require me to take off from work, pick her up, and go into the appointment, I was able to have more appointments.
2. My daughter twisted her ankle slightly on the trampoline (we’ve a big one outside our house).
Since we had already gotten an X-ray, we were able to schedule a telehealth visit and do some things right away to help her ankle, and then have a follow-up physical appointment in a week.
Besides making things easy for patients, telehealth is a great way for hospitals to improve their margins and expand their growth by letting the software do a lot of the heavy lifting.
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