Hospitals Need Flexibility With Their GPO | Group Purchasing Organization - VIE Healthcare

Hospitals Need Flexibility With Their GPO | Group Purchasing Organization - VIE Healthcare

GPOs hurt hospitals by limiting their decision-making.

Here’s an analogy:

Supposed you buy a home through a bank.

But then the bank says that since you’ve bought the home through them, you must also get your cable, your car, electricity, everything through them.

That’s what GPOs do to hospitals, limiting their choices.

But at VIE Healthcare Consulting, we are a big advocate of flexibility.

We see GPOs as just one of the tools in the toolbelt.

There are many other options that hospitals can use to get visibility, transparency, and best pricing.

So in your GPO contract, you must seek the flexibility to directly negotiate and make good decisions for your organization.

Getting a GPO is one of the largest decisions you'll make.

Make sure that you’re getting a good partner that:
- allows flexibility of decision making
- agrees with your methodologies of getting a second opinion


Find out more about hospitals need flexibility with their GPO visit:

This video is showing hospitals need flexibility with their GPO information but also try to cover the following subject:
-Group purchasing organization
-Healthcare finance
-Hospital supply chain
One thing I saw when I was researching information on hospitals need flexibility with their GPO was the lack of relevant info.
Hospitals need flexibility with their GPO nevertheless is a subject that I know something about. This video therefore should matter and be of interest to you.
If you would like to discover more regarding group purchasing organization I suggest you take a look at our various other videos:

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